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Barbas Soil Conservation District - Bremen

11 | 08 | 2018
Barbas Soil Conservation District - Bremen

Geographically located in the jurisdiction of the municipalities of Filandia and Circasia and Salento in Quindío, and Pereira, in Risaralda. It has become another preferred destination for tourists who come to visit this region. The location and distribution of the main water currents shows the hydrological richness and the importance of the "fluvial star of Quindío".

The Barbas-Bremen Natural Regional Park is defined as a multiple use area of regional influence, covering two departments with a representative sample of ecosystems and populations of regional flora and fauna species, regulated due to the importance of ecosystems. and the environmental services that they provide for the maintenance of the human communities settled within their interior and/or area of influence.

environmental corridor

The Barbas River canyon contains 790 hectares of humid Andean jungle; fortunately protected and preserved due to its high slope.
This is connected to the Bremen la Popa forest reserve by four environmental corridors located on the slopes of some tributary streams of the Barbas River.
The park area includes three main blocks of Andean rainforest: Bremen, Barbas and Cestillal, as well as the surrounding landscape. The northern and eastern limits of the area are demarcated by the highway that connects the cities of Armenia and Pereira; to the west and south the area borders cattle landscapes.

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